

Please note that all applications for visa can be done EXCLUSIVELY online, on eViza Platform – click here to apply or for further details.

Romania is a European Union member and, starting March 2024, a member of the “Air Schengen”. If you’re travelling to the championship as a citizen of a non-EU country, you may need to apply for a Schengen Visa. Together with the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RMFA), if necessary, Bucharest RUNNING CLUB will assist any delegate / team, in order to get visa to enter Romania.

Before an invitation letter can be issued, you must be registered for one of the Bucharest HALF MARATHON / Bucharest MARATHON races and have your registration validated. Once both of these requirements are met, please contact: GO [ @ ] RUNINBUCHAREST.COM.

General information regarding the conditions of entry on the territory of Romania, list of states whose citizens, holders of simple passports, are required a visa upon entry on the Romanian territory and list of states whose citizens, holders of simple passports, are not required a visa to travel to Romania can be found on the RMFA website: http://www.mae.ro/en/

Romanian Missions Worldwide: http://mae.ro/en/romanian-missions
